“If you fail to plan, then you're planning to fail”

Benjamin Franklin

For Business Owners & Leaders of Business:

Get clear about where your Business is going and achieve alignment within your Team.

What it is:

A two day workshop for a 'meeting of the minds' (Owner, Senior Leaders, Managers), where we assess the Business, define its vision and mission, and set specific, measurable, and time-bound goals.

We develop strategies to achieve these goals and create an actionable plan.

How it helps:

It enables you to:

- Get clarity on your Purpose

- Set clear direction,

- Allocate your resources effectively,

- Adapt to change,

- Improve your decision making

Why it's needed:

- It ensures your Long-term Success

- It gives you a Competitive Advantage

- It enables you to Mitigate future Risks

- Gets everyone in your Business aligned (i.e. working cohesively) towards your long-term objectives.

This session includes (but is not limited to):

- Discovering your Ultimate long term goal for your Business.

- Unlocking your Businesses Core Values.

- Identifying your Businesses Key Strengths & Weaknesses and noting industry trends.

- Distilling your Brand Promise

- Setting 5-10 year goals, 3-5 year goals, 1 year goals & quarterly goals.

- Setting the priorities to achieve the goals across the key areas of People, Processes, Performance, Prospecting and Products (or services).

The outcome of this session is a One Page Strategic Plan for your Business (i.e. your roadmap for achieving success)

INVESTMENT - R14,995 per day.


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